Translations for the Trustlines App

Recently we’ve received a few offers from the community to do translations of the Trustlines App. We appreciate the initiative and are now able to receive translations from everyone excited to contribute.

If you’re interested in helping translate the app, head on over to the Trustlines-PPM Crowdin page to see all the available languages. There are currently 34 options to choose from.

The goal of the Trustlines Network is to provide financial and economic inclusion through technology. Having more languages available to the users will help with this. Often, those excluded from traditional financial services benefit from having access to services in their native language.

Help us make the Trustlines App better for everyone and submit a translation. Our team will be reviewing the quality of submissions, and later we might add a few more languages. Stay tuned for more.

Feel free to post comments, suggestions, and questions right here at the Forum!

Disclaimer: Translations for the Trustlines App are not bounties. We welcome and appreciate all contributions, but you should not expect to get compensated for doing a translation.


Why not Persian on the list?

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Currently the list is limited, but it might be expanded in the future.

We added Persian :slight_smile: Translating Trustlines-PPM to Persian language


Good! I will see if I can contribute.